8 Tips For Designing Better App Onboarding Screens
Users' first impressions of an app are formed by its onboarding screens, which not only set the tone for the remainder of their time with the app but also provide a prime opportunity to explain the app's value and the benefits that will pique the user's interest.
How to Overcome the Boredom of Redundancy and Turn it into a Drive for Professionalism
As digital product designers, we all pass through periods of ennui; whether your specialty is e-commerce platforms, landing pages, dashboards, or any kind of web/app design, having to repeatedly work on consecutive projects that are in the same category is guaranteed to leak into your soul a sentiment of boredom, and suck the motivation to […]
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Egyptian governrates emblems and flags (png, svg)
A set of emblems and flags of the different governrates of Egypt. Available for both personal and commercial use and in various formats to fit any kind of workflow and design.